Document Storage and Shredding Services

Here are the things we do to provide document management solutions for your business

We understand that all businesses should operate as efficiently and cost effectively as possible. Simply by moving your archive to our safe storage units valuable office space and employee time can be saved.

Secure off-site storage will also reduce the risk of confidential information falling into the wrong hands.

Should you need your documents in your office we can provide a next day delivery, either for boxes or single files. We can also upload documents to our highly secure server where they can be safely accessed.

We will alert you when your documents have reached the destruction date determined by you. Nothing will happen until you give us authorisation to shred.

If you choose to use our shredding service we will provide you with a Destruction Certificate. This is required as it will prove that your business has complied with legislation concerning confidential data destruction.

Box-it North Midlands can provide the following services for your business:

  • Physical and digital document storage in a safe, humidity controlled environment
  • Retrieval back to your office – either by box or by file
  • Cataloguing of your existing archive
  • Document scanning
  • Confidential shredding
  • Environmental recycling of paper

Give us a call on 01283 815748 or contact us online for all your document storage needs in Derby and Nottingham